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Sometimes Dad Is The Last To Know

Some successful, respected, high achieving professional men find it hard to comprehend that their son or daughter could possibly be falling behind at school; and is getting worse by the year!

Usually it is mum who attends all the parent-teacher interviews, mum who sees first hand their child struggling with their homework, mum who makes an appointment to go up to the school and mum who knows that things are not going well.

Over the years we have assessed many students whose highly educated dad found it difficult to accept that their child was not anywhere near his expectation of where he believed they naturally were. In short “I’ve done well, my kids will do well also”.

The painful truth usually emerges when dad takes over the maths homework from an exhausted mum, somewhere around year 8 or 9. Dad quickly learns that their child is not understanding what he believes is quite simple computation.

This home tutoring time can quickly descend into acrimony! Dad becomes frustrated, the child angry and mum realising they need outside help.

Let’s hope that help arrives before it is too late.

A free assessment with Gloucester House Tutoring can help especially if dad accompanies mum and the child. A professional assessment gives both parents an accurate understanding of the problem (if there is one) and what needs to be done.

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